Martha Ehrlich
Die Bilder verweigern sich der allgemeinen Tendenz zur puren Grösse und zwingen zum genauen Hinsehen. Der Betrachter ist aufgefordert, seine Distanz zu den Bildern aufzugeben.
On preparing to return from a fellowship sponsored stay in Italy, Martha Ehrlich found that she had no economically feasible way to ship her paintings home to the States. These paintings had been influenced by her appreciation and study of Mediaeval panels whose static subjects iconically imbued meaning to transcend time and experience. When Ehrlich cut her works into small squares and shipped them home in a suitcase she found within the newly formed fragments her metier. Her current works are still miniature in scale, yet they are not fragmented, but seen instead to be encapsulated micro-moments. - Michael Carley, aus: Desire in Time, Time as Intimacy, Michigan, USA, 1996
On preparing to return from a fellowship sponsored stay in Italy, Martha Ehrlich found that she had no economically feasible way to ship her paintings home to the States. These paintings had been influenced by her appreciation and study of Mediaeval panels whose static subjects iconically imbued meaning to transcend time and experience. When Ehrlich cut her works into small squares and shipped them home in a suitcase she found within the newly formed fragments her metier. Her current works are still miniature in scale, yet they are not fragmented, but seen instead to be encapsulated micro-moments. - Michael Carley, aus: Desire in Time, Time as Intimacy, Michigan, USA, 1996
- 1975 - 79: Bachelor of Fine Arts; Drake University; Des Moines, Ia.; Major in Painting and Printmaking; Minor in English Literature.
- 1980 - 81: Tyler School of Art; Rome, Italy.
- 1981 - 82: Master of Fine Arts; Tyler School of Art; Philadelphia, Pa.
Preise und Auszeichnungen
- 1980 “Black Hills Regional Arts Competition”; Rapids City, S.D.
- 1982 Graduate Painting Award; Tyler School of Art; Philadelphia, Pa.
- “National Print Exhibition”; Trenton State College; Trenton, N.J.
- 1992 Pollack-Krasner Foundation Award.
- 1993 John D. Catherine T. MacArthur Purchase Prize.
- 2005 Förderpreis des Verbands Bildender Künstler und Künstlerinnen Württemberg.
- 2007 Mathilde-Planck-Förderprogramm
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